Welcome to our creative space

We are Kiran and Raven Aluvihare, two brothers born and raised in Amsterdam.
Raised by a Frisian mom and a Sri Lankan dad, who showed us the world.
Now it's time for us to show our world to you.

Here, we are all about audiovisual content and creativity. As brothers, we have partnered up in our quest
to create, following our great passion to produce audiovisual content.

Welcome to Studio Noord Gestoord.  

Kiran Aluvihare

Raven Aluvihare

Noord Gestoord was originally founded in 2011 by Kiran Aluvihare. Amsterdam North was thriving,
with cultural hubs arising like NDSM, The Ceuvel and a wide array of new live music places. 
To experience carrying out creative concepts, Noord Gestoord would be part of the new possibilities first hand.

After a few years of exciting ventures, it was mostly studies and travels that took the better of it
and Noord Gestoord became a background project.

10 years later the two brothers Kiran and Raven shook hands and became the founders of

Studio Noord Gestoord.